Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V. (ALRV)
Albert-Servais-Allee 50, 52070 Aachen / P.O. Box 50 01 01, 52085 Aachen, Germany
Office – T: (49) 241-9171-0, F: (49) 241-9171-199, E: info@chioaachen.de, www.chioaachen.com
Registered seat in: Aachen, Register of Associations Aachen under Register No. 1234

1. Scope

(1) The show ground regulations apply to the entire show grounds of the Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V. ("ALRV" or "organizer"), including the adjacent cross-country course, including all facilities and equipment, including all entrances and exits as well as the adjacent parking areas of the ALRV, which are available to visitors to the events ("show grounds").

(2) The show ground regulations apply to all persons entering the tournament site. By way of example - but not exhaustively - these are ticket holders / tournament pass holders, spectators / visitors, guests / guests of honor, employees / staff / volunteers, participants and their companions / helpers, holders of a corresponding authorization / tournament pass, service companies / suppliers / customers, etc.The show ground regulations apply for all events of the ALRV which are held at the show grounds.

(3) The show grounds serve primarily for staging equestrian events.

2. Sojourn

(1) Only persons, who have a valid ticket or carry another authorised identification or a show pass for the event received in another authorised way, are allowed to stay on the show grounds.

(2) Tickets and authorised passes / show passes have to be shown when entering and on the show grounds when requested by the security and attendants service or by the police. By request a proof of identity should be provided in an appropriate manner.

(3) The ticket loses its validity when leaving the show grounds. For a short leave of the show grounds the security/attendants at exits are to be addressed accordingly and their instructions to be followed in order to make a renewed entry possible.

(4) Lost entry tickets cannot be replaced.

(5) Driving and parking on the show grounds is only allowed with a special authorised pass. On the whole show grounds the directions of the road traffic regulations (StVO) apply.

(6) For public reporting and advertising of the event in question, the ALRV and the respective responsible association or third parties commissioned or otherwise authorized by them (e.g. radio, press) may, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 f) GDPR, independently of each other, create image and sound recordings that may show the persons on the tournament grounds as spectators and use them for these purposes. The legitimate interest of the ALRV or third parties commissioned or otherwise authorized by the ALRV (e.g. radio, press) is to position and exploit the event in the media. A person shown may have a right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR.

3. Security Controls

(1) The security and attendants service, deployed by the ALRV, is authorised to inspect persons if they form a safety hazard, because of alcohol or drug use or because of having a weapon or dangerous or inflammable subjects. If necessary, the security and attendants service is authorised to search a person’s clothing and taken repositories, with their consent. Technical means and equipment can be used for this matter as well.

(2) Persons who cannot show their authorised pass and persons who form a danger for security reasons or who refuse to give their consent for a search, can be refused to enter or can be removed from the show grounds. Restitution of the money paid for the entry, entry/entry fee or credit for the CHIO Aachen CAMPUS-Shop is not possible.

4. Video Surveillance

In order to ensure security on the tournament grounds and to support the work of the regulatory and law enforcement authorities, the tournament grounds and, in some cases, the area surrounding the tournament grounds are video-monitored in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 f) GDPR. Corresponding recordings are treated confidentially by the ALRV, but can serve as evidence, especially in the event of suspicion and/or the occurrence of criminal offenses. If an event recorded by video camera is carried out without incident, the recordings will be deleted in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, in particular the GDPR and the BDSG. Insofar as regulatory and law enforcement authorities use video surveillance systems on the tournament site and in its vicinity for the purpose of averting danger and prosecution, this is done under their own responsibility within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR.

5. Behaviour on the show grounds

(1) On the show grounds all persons must behave in such a way that nothing or no one else gets damaged, endangered or, as far as circumstances permit, obstructed or harassed.

(2) All persons must obey the instructions of the fire brigade, the security, the attendants and Emergency Medical Service, the police as well as the event speaker.

(3) Owners of tickets must take the seat in the particular Stadium area which is mentioned on the ticket. The regulations mentioned on the entry tickets or show passes have to be respected. On the show grounds the provided lanes have to be used.

(4) All entrances and exits as well as emergency and escape routes are to be kept free at all times.

(5) All persons are summoned not to carelessly throw away litter, packing materials and empty repositories, but to deposit all in the bins which are placed on the show grounds and in the Stadiums.

(6) Objects found have to be handed in at the attendant service office. At the end of the event, the organisation remits all objects found, which are not collected, to the lost properties’ office of the City of Aachen.

(7) Missing persons can be reported at the office of the operation controllers of the police or the attendant service.

(8) Audio, photo and video recording is allowed only for private use and may not be publicised for commercial use. The use of flashlight is prohibited in the stadiums/arenas.

(9) For safety reasons, only a limited number of wheelchair spaces are available for each event. Pre-registration is required for this area. Parking and transportation can only be arranged after pre-registration

6. Prohibitions

(1) It is forbidden for all persons on the show grounds to bring the following:

(a) racist, xenophobic, national socialistic, extreme right wing and other political propaganda materials;

(b) any kind of weapon;

(c) Objects and properties, which can be used as a weapon, batons, thrustings and projectiles;

(d) Gas spray containers, acidly, flammable and colouring substances or tanks with substances which can affect the health or are combustible – exception: standard pocket lighters;

(e) Fireworks, star shells, smoke powder, smoke bombs and other pyrotechnical objects of any kind including according firing devices;

(f) Flag and banner poles, longer than one meter or with a diameter of over 3 centimetres, as well as so called double holders; flags and banners which are allowed should be made of material which come under the concept of ‚flame resistant’;

(g) Mechanical operated noise instruments like megaphones, gas pressure clarions;

(h) Animals except seeing-eye dogs according to para. 33 (1) S. 1 of the German Social Code V as well as comparable dogs of assistance;

(i) Laser-Pointers;

(j) Drones, microcopters and any similar unmanned aerial vehicles.

(2) It is also prohibited for all persons on the show grounds:

(a) to enter the stadium’s infield and other sports facilities without relevant authorisation / show pass;

(b) to climb or cross buildings and facilities which are not meant for public use, especially facades, fences, walls, barriers, lighting installations like camera platforms, trees, any kind of masts and roofs;

(c) to enter areas which are not meant for general use (like stables and official areas, VIP and media areas) without a relevant authorisation / show pass;

(d) to throw objects of any kind or to spill any kind of liquids;

(e) to make fire; to burn or launch fireworks, star shells, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnical objects;

(f) to sell merchandise or entry tickets without the permission of the ALRV, to distribute printed material or to implement collections;

(g) to write, paint or bonding on buildings, facilities or roads;

(h) to express or propagate political propaganda and acts, racist, xenophobic and extreme right wing paroles and emblems;

(i) demonstrations, propaganda and acts against equestrian sport;

(j) to defecate outside the toilets or to debase the show grounds by throwing things – litter, packaging, empty repositories, etc.;

(k) to restrict or affect traffic areas, walk and traffic roads, entrances and exits to the visitors areas and emergency roads;

(l) to stand on the seats of the grand stands;

(m) to bring alcoholic drinks to the show grounds;

(n) to take (drinking) glasses/bottles to the grand stands;

(o) to operate drones, microcopters and any similar unmanned aerial vehicles.

(3) There is an absolute ban on smoking and consumption of cannabis on the tournament grounds, in particular for the protection of children and families.

(4) In the event of violations of the aforementioned prohibitions, the organizer and personnel commissioned by the organizer are entitled to expel ticket holders, customers and guests from the tournament grounds at any time without compensation.

(5) Suitcases and larger pieces of luggage are only allowed on to the show grounds if it has been authorised in advance.

(6) Taken along objects which are prohibited are seized and – as far as they are not needed for criminal preliminary proceedings – returned when the conditions of a seizure ceased to exist.

(7) Any decoration and/or advertising for commercial/commercial purposes during the events is prohibited to visitors without the express permission of the organizer. The distribution of flyers, advertising material, magazines and the like on the entire tournament grounds is only permitted with the approval of the organizer, irrespective of other official regulations.

7. Specific access conditions

For good cause, e.g. due to protection and hygiene measures in the context of a (partial) exclusion of spectators, the ALRV shall be entitled (and, if applicable, obliged) to set specific access conditions within in accordance with the applicable data protection law and to enforce respective compliance. In particular, the Host shall be entitled

a) to make the purchase of tickets and/or admission to the Show Ground subject to certain requirements or proof (e.g. proof of health or masks) and to demand these proofs to be presented by the entrance ticket holder upon admission to or on the Show Ground. In case the entrance ticket holder does not comply with the applicable requirements, the Host shall be entitled to refuse the purchase of the entrance ticket or admission to the Show Ground or expel the Customer or entrance ticket holder from the Show Ground.

b) to set up specific admission time windows for certain entrance ticket holders. In such case, the latter shall be obliged to comply with such time windows. In case of intentional or negligent non-compliance, the entrance ticket holder may be denied access to the Show Ground without compensation.

c) to make access to and stay on the Show Ground subject to additional rules, regulations and requirements (e.g. provision of further personal data). The applicable rules, regulations and requirements will be made available to the Customers in due time and shall be observed by all entrance ticket holders. Appropriate instructions from the Host, the police and/or security personnel must be followed.

8. Duty to inform and risk of infection Responsibility and infection-risks

All persons authorised to enter the Show Grounds shall be obliged to inform themselves in due time before each event about possible postponements, spectator exclusions and applicable protection and hygiene regulations. In this regard, latest information are available at www.chioaachen.de. Each entrance ticket holder acknowledges that he/she may become infected with (viral) diseases in the course of attending an event. By attending an event, the Customer shall be deemed to have consciously accepted this risk.

9. Liability

(1) Entrance to the show ground is at one's own risk.

(2) The Host is not liable for any damages, as far as the Host, his authorised agents or representatives can only be charged with simple negligence, unless the breach consists of a fundamental breach of contract on behalf of the Host (cardinal obligation). In the latter case, the Host is liable for any foreseeable and typically ensuing damage. The Host is fully liable for damages in the event of loss of life, personal injury or injury to health caused purposefully or negligently.

(3) Accidents or damage must be reported to the ALRV immediately.

10. Violations

Persons, who act against the show ground regulations can be removed from the show grounds without reimbursement and receive a show ground prohibition based on the administrated domestic authority of the ALRV. If this offence is based on a suspicion of a criminal act or another misdemeanour, a complaint of offence will follow.

11. Holders of other access authorisations

All rules and regulations applicable to ticket holders according to the GTC and the show ground regulations also apply to holders of any other form of access authorisation valid for access to the show grounds (e.g. show passes, accreditations, bracelets, invitations, guest passes, etc.).

12. Children/Minors/Wards

Parents/Adults are liable for their children/minors/wards.

13. Amendment of the stadium regulations

The ALRV may amend the stadium regulations at any time and without giving reasons. Each new edition of the showground rules automatically replaces any previous edition and thus supersedes it. The tournament site regulations valid at the time of entry shall apply.

Aachen, June 2024

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